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QuickHits! (1/18/16)

SouthsideCentral had a busy day on Sunday, so we’re moving our QuickHits! article to Monday this week. Let’s take a look at the stories that have caught my eye this past week.


YouCentral: Leonard Harville’s Reply

Here at SouthsideCentral, we strongly encourage replies and feedback to our articles. We’re glad to publish any replies that are directed to us. In this YouCentral article, Leonard Harville replied to about our latest LeonardWatch article about him disclosing a potential child abuse situation before the police arrived on scene.


LeonardWatch: Being First Is Being A Jerk

Our favorite muckraking moron may have given potential child abusers a head start to escape a police encounter. Seriously.


BreakDown: Danville IDA’s Rental Income

Let’s take a look at some of the December financial statements from Danville’s Industrial Development Authority. In this NumbersCentral article, we’ll look at their main checking account and talk about what got paid in rental income during the month of December 2015. I could call this a NumbersCentral article, but I’ve got a cool BreakDown […]

QuickHits! (1/4/16)

Instead of some Sunday reading assignments, let’s do Monday reading assignments. It’s time for QuickHits, so lets see some of the stories that have caught my eyes over the past week.


Parking Jerks Of The Day! (1/3/16)

It’s only January 3rd, but we’ve got candidate for Parking Jerks of the Year already. And you might notice that we’re using the plural form of the word “Jerk”. That’s right, we’ve got two for the price of one!


Food Chain! – Replacing Robert Hurt

Robert Hurt decided not to run for a fourth term in the 5th District US House of Representatives, so it’s now Silly Season to see who’ll be his Republican nominee replacement in November 2016’s election. We’ve got a list of 9 Republicans (or at least likely Republicans) who have either declared their candidacy for the […]

QuickHits! (12/27/15)

What? No QuickHits yet in the month of December? Let’s get that fixed right now by taking a look at some of the stories that have caught my eyes over the past few weeks.


Full Moon Desperation

I’m putting this article in the “RottenReporting” category, but it’s really not Reporting nor is it Rotten. It’s just a lame throwaway thing to laugh at. Meh.

Without this piece of news, we might have forgotten what the moon looks like.


RottenHeadlineWriting: “Santa gives cancer to a child. Surprise!”

After a discussion on our last Danville Register & Bee headline writing disaster, we learned that all the headlines are written in the Lynchburg office and not on Monument Street. Well, the headline writers in Lynchburg really blew it this time…


RandomThoughts! (12/23/15)

My Thoughts are Random. Well, not all the time. Step into my mind…


RottenReporting: The Scanner in The Manger

This isn’t really RottenReporting because the reporting was the usual excellent John Crane writing, but RottenHeadlineWriting takes up too much space and sounds stupid.


LightningRound! (12/13/15)

We’ve got a lot of Christmas related happenings coming up, so there’s lightning on the horizon.

Hands on your buzzers, players. It’s time for the LightningRound!


The Dead Pennrose Mall – Part #7 (The End)

Sadly, this is the end of the line for our journey through Reidsville’s (I’m out of unique ways to say dead) Pennrose Mall. We’ve just got a few more things to look at before we head through the exit doors. Let’s wrap this PhotoCentral series up with Part #7.


BreakDown: Chasing Natty Greene’s

Landing a brewpub in Danville isn’t easy. Landing a big business brewpub in Danville isn’t easy, and it isn’t cheap. Let’s do a BreakDown and tell you what’s going on.


QuickHits! (11/30/15)

All righty. After slowing down a little for the holiday, let’s get back up to full SouthsideCentral speed. Let’s get our weekly QuickHits! article published. I tell you what news stories have caught my eye over the last week and you get to read them. That’s simple enough, so let’s get started!


Thumbs! (11/27/15)

What? Five weeks since our last Thumbs! article? Let’s get that fixed right now.


QuickHits! (11/22/15)

SouthsideCentral took a day off to cover the Reidsville Christmas Parade, but we’re back with a QuickHits vengeance! Let’s take a look at some of the stories that have caught my eye over the past week.


QuickHits! (11/17/15)

We’re a few days late in compiling this week’s edition of the news stories that have caught my eye over the past week. Instead of Sunday, let’s make Tuesday our QuickHits! day.


TYOB!: Epiphany Episcopal School’s Roasting & Toasting

Are you looking for a “Thing You Oughta Be” doing on Friday night, November 20th? Its time for Epiphany Episcopal School’s annual “Roasting & Toasting” fundraiser. SouthsideCentral will be there on Friday night and we hope to see you there. Tickets are still available, so let’s take a closer look at this “Thing You Oughta […]

Time Machine: The Family Murder Connection

The recent stabbing on Danville’s James St. that resulted in a murder charge has a sad family connection to a Danville murder that happened over five years ago. Let’s hop in the SouthsideCentral Time Machine and fill in the blanks.


QuickHits! (11/9/15)

Things are bad when you have to sell your pickup truck to pay your bills. Things are worse when your town has to sell their pickup truck to pay their bills. It’s QuickHits time!


TYOB!: Bright Leaf Brew Fest

It’s time for the 8th annual Bright Leaf Brew Fest! It’s happening at Danville’s Community Market on Saturday, November 14th… and it’s a Thing You Oughta Be Doing! Let’s find out some more about the event…


TYOB!: glance (Glowing Lanterns, A North Carolina Event!)

TYOB stands for “Thing You Oughta Be”. And I’ve got a Thing You Oughta Be doing on Saturday, November 14th. It’s “glance”, an event that’s never happened around this area before. Let’s find out about it…


Parking Jerk of the Day! (10/27/15)

It’s late at night and one of our terrific SouthsideCentral readers was at Danville’s Market Square shopping center. The parking lot was almost empty. I think you know what’s coming next.
