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Parking Jerk of the Day! (9/3/2014)

Well, they didn’t hit the light pole. Or get anywhere near it…

Parking Jerk of the Day! – Fighting Back! (9/1/2014)

On Independence Day, President Bill Pullman led us to fight and defeat the invading aliens.

On Labor Day, our fight against Parking Jerks begins…

Parking Jerk of the Day! (8/23/2014)

It’s Saturday. It’s Danville. It’s Walmart.

Are we going to find a winner for today’s Parking Jerk of the Day award?


Parking Jerk of the Day! (8/16/2014)

Danville could pay back all of that Tobacco Commission money within a year if the police would start writing fire lane violation tickets at the ABC store in Nor-Dan Shopping Center.


Parking Jerk of the Day! (8/13/2014)

Here we go again. Today, our (dis)honoree is coming to us from Lynchburg!


Parking Jerk of the Day! (8/12/2014)

Keep those submissions coming, folks!

In this Parking Jerk of the Day, the damn car looks like it’s laughing at us.


Parking Jerk of the Day! (8/11/2014)

The submissions just keep coming in! Do you think that we can make a difference?

Let’s go back down to South Boston for today’s Parking Jerk!

Parking Jerk of the Day! (8/10/2014)

Wow. The submissions are flowing in for this new feature. If you find a blatant Parking Jerk, take a photo and then click on the Contact Us! link at the top of the page. You’ll find our email address there. It’s southsidecentral (AT) southsidecentral (dot) com by the way. Feel free to add any details […]

Parking Jerk of the Day! (8/9/2014)

It’s time for a new feature that has been popular on our Facebook and Instagram accounts. Everyone sees them and hates them. Now, you’ve got a way to help expose them.

They’re parking jerks, and you’ve got a way to help expose them now. All you’ve got to do is take some photos and use […]