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RandomThoughts! (8/2/2014)

I haven’t had much time to think lately. Go ahead and make the obvious joke. How about some RandomThoughts?


RandomThoughts! (7/20/2014)

I realized it had been a while since I had some thoughts. Random ones, that is.


RoadThoughts LIVE! (7/11/2014)

We’ve added some extra thoughts and cleaned the article up. It’s now complete.

I just heard you say “RoadThoughts LIVE!? What the heck is that?”

SouthsideCentral’s got business out of town today. You’re coming along with me for the road trip. It’s RandomThoughts!, only more Random than ever. Here’s how it will work. I’ll be […]

RandomThoughts! (7/10/2014)

Not all thoughts are Random ones. These are.


RandomThoughts! (7/8/2014)

You have been warned. RandomThoughts are now here. Proceed with caution.


RandomThoughts! (7/4/2014)

This is my mind. Walk inside, please…


RandomThoughts! (6/27/2014)

Into my mind we go…


RandomThoughts! (6/24/2014)

I’ve been lying to you. Some of those Thoughts can be slightly less than Random. Heh.


RandomThoughts! (6/22/2014)

It’s the weekend and not much is going on news-wise. That means we’re taking a trip into my mind! Again. Whee.


RandomThoughts! (6/21/2014)

With all these new SouthsideCentral readers, I’ve got to make these RandomThoughts be somewhat reasonable. Nah.


RandomThoughts! (6/14/2014)

Let’s take a quick trip into my mind this Saturday, shall we?


RandomThoughts! (6/13/2014)

Friday morning! Weekend’s almost here! Lots of exclamation points! RandomThoughts!


RandomThoughts! (6/11/2014)

In a world where people have Thoughts, only a few do it in Random style… (That’s best read in a booming movie trailer type of voice)


RandomThoughts! (6/6/2014)

I’m not going to think about food. I’m not going to think about food. I’m not going to think about food.


RandomThoughts! (6/2/2014)

It’s my mind and I’ll think whatever I want! I’ll do it randomly, too!


RandomThoughts! (6/1/2014)

Look out! I’m thinking randomly!


RandomThoughts! (5/28/2014)

I’m thinking it’s time for some more RandomThoughts. Walk slowly into my mind, please…


RandomThoughts! (5/26/2014)

I’ve been thinking of a few things…


RandomThoughts! (5/22/2014)

We’re debuting a quickie type of article today. If you remember Larry King’s column from USA Today, this feature will sort of be like that. And if you do remember that, then you’re old. Anything’s fair game. News, sports, weather, opinion, local, regional, world… it’s just a collection of RandomThoughts. Let’s get it started.


RandomThoughts: The 2013 elections.

So that happened. The 2013 election season is over and we’re now getting ready for the 2014 elections (sigh). Let’s do some RandomThoughts about what happened in the SouthsideCentral region and more…
