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Hey John Cannon, Chris Lumsden & Ted Bennett?

If you want $5000 for lobbying purposes, write the damn check yourself instead of trying to get taxpayers’ money. Trust me, you won’t miss it.


60th District House Race – Update #1

This one isn’t going to take long to analyze…


Halifax County’s $60,000 Prizery Question

South Boston/Halifax County’s The Prizery got a no-interest $60,000 loan last year from Halifax County. It’s time to repay the loan and it looks like The Prizery doesn’t have the money.

WOW! Didn’t see that one coming…


A “Growing” Mold Problem…

We touched on this in Saturday’s “Thumbs!” article and we got slammed with stories of people who have gotten sick during this mold problem timeframe at Halifax County High School…


Halifax County Commonwealth Attorney’s Race – Update #1

It’s election season and we’re going to get back into what established SouthsideCentral’s reputation… the political scene. Let’s get started by analyzing the upcoming election for the unexpired portion of former Halifax County Commonwealth’s Attorney Kim White’s term…


Thumbs! (8/31/2013)

Excuse us while we whip out our “Thumbs!”…


Endorsement: Susan Granger for Halifax Town Council

Although it’s just a seven-month term until the seat is filled in a general election, SouthsideCentral believes that Susan Granger is the strongest candidate for the vacant Ward D seat on Halifax Town Council. Besides that, she’s my sister!


CORRECTED: Christmas News Roundup (12/25/12)

Lots of crazy & sad things going on in the SouthsideCentral region during the holidays. Let’s get to what you haven’t heard about in the other local media…


Burn, Baby, Burn! School Records Inferno!

Things are getting hot in the Halifax County School System, and it’s only partially because of a document bonfire behind Meadville Elementary School…


Gazette-Virginian: Ethically Impaired and/or Lazy?

If you’re going to use a biased article written by a member of a group that has a track record for inflammatory language, you should at least disclose who wrote the article.


Thumbs! (6/7/12 Edition)

We used to use our Thumbs! often but we haven’t lately. It’s time to send them UP! … or DOWN!.


TYOB!: “Velda: Girl Detective”

Looking for a fun, free activity to do this Friday or Saturday night? Well this “Thing You Oughta Be” doing is going to Halifax County’s outdoor performance of “Velda: Girl Detective” this weekend at South Boston’s Constitution Square. We’ve got photos of Wednesday’s before-dress-rehearsal as well as information about the play below…


PhotoCentral: 2012 Halifax County Chamber of Commerce Trade Show

We’re running a bit late on this, but here’s a photo slideshow of this year’s 2012 Halifax County Chamber of Commerce Trade Show. As always, they did an excellent job in putting it all together. You can visit the Chabler’s website at Enjoy the photos!


PhotoCentral: 2012 Halifax County Heritage Festival

Here’s a photo slideshow of this year’s Halifax County Heritage Festival. Enjoy!

TYOB! : Halifax County’s Heritage Festival

It’s too late for this year’s Heritage Festival, but it’s definitely a “Thing You Oughta Be” doing for next year.


TossUp!: “Simple Request” or “Chilling Effect”?

County sheriff elections are bad for the amount of animosity… but they make for good TossUps!


NewsSpotting: Only seven months to go…

It’s News. It’s a ThreadSpotting. It’s complete stupidity about the upcoming Halifax County Sheriff’s race. It’s all of those combined!


It’s a Miracle!

The powers of modern medicine on authors never cease to amaze me…

Happy Trails, Josh Lief!

The general manager of Virginia International Raceway is changing careers. (?)


An open letter to my HalifaxTalk friends.

The HalifaxTalk people who don’t like me and the ones who obsessively stalk me can read this too. It’s also open to people who want to know about WMDV.


UPDATED: Breaking News: Murder/suicide outside of Scottsburg C-store.

Thanks to our great sources for getting this news to us quickly.


More problems with DOVES

This is getting ridiculous.


Halifax County’s Commonwealth Attorney speaks out on budget cuts

Kim White, Commonwealth’s Attorney for Halifax County, is speaking out about potential budget cuts to her office.


UPDATED – BREAKING: Former South Boston finance director killed in farming accident

Our sources have just got this story in to SouthsideCentral.


HaliFair coming on June 5th

Make your way to the Halifax County Fairgrounds on Saturday, June 5th for a brand new event!
