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Want to go to the best haunted house in the area?

Make your way to Reidsville, NC for the Nightmare on Scales Street!


Matt Boswell banned from performing at Reidsville city events!

Local favorite band “Matt Boswell & the Hillbilly Blues Band” won’t be performing in any more Reidsville city events.


The DoughBowl Maker – Master Craftsman

If you want to see an awesome craftsman at work, read on…


Reidsville’s Fall Festival – What a day!

If you want to see how a street festival should be, this is the textbook example.


James Festerman re-elected mayor of Reidsville.

Congratulations to the incumbent mayor of Reidsville who won another term in office tonight! SouthsideCentral is now 1 for 1 in our endorsements this year. 🙂 But we’ve got some questions about the City Council at-large elections.


Pizza & Beer Throwdown at Lucky City on Friday (10/2)

Our friends over at Lucky City have came up with another interesting promotion.


Prohibition is over!

Well, at least in Downtown Reidsville. Lucky City is now able to serve beer by the glass, and they’ve got a good selection.


LIVE! Photo Recap – Reidsville Cruise-In (9/11)

Let’s recap our LIVE! coverage from the last Reidsville Cruise-In of the season. Photo captions are up so you know what’s going on.


Review – Backstreet Buzz Coffee House (Reidsville, NC)

Editor’s Note: This was started this as a LIVE! review but has been re-written as a regular review.

SouthsideCentral had heard great things about the Backstreet Buzz Coffee House (234 SW Market St, Reidsville, NC), so it was time to check them out.


Reidsville Cruise-In on Friday! (9/11)

It’s the last Reidsville Cruise-In of the season! Folks, this is worth the trip!


Wine Tasting tonight at Lucky City! (8/28)

Make your way to Reidsville tonight and visit Lucky City!


Reidsville Cruise-In coming up!

Friday, August 14th is the date for the next Cruise-In!


Lucky City Wine Tasting coming soon!

Our friends over at Lucky City in Reidsville NC are having another wine tasting event this Friday night!


TONIGHT! – Reidsville Cruise-In! (7/10)

This one slipped up on me. Oops…

Wine tasting at Lucky City this Friday night! (6/26)

Our friends over at Lucky City in Reidsville, NC are having a wine tasting this Friday night.


Reidsville Cruise-In this Friday! (6/12)

Make your way to Reidsville this Friday night and have a great time!
