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UPDATE: The newspaper has fixed the original article. Heh.
Somebody must have still been hungover when they wrote this newspaper article. Not only that, somebody must have still been hungover when they wrote this newspaper article. Oh yeah, somebody must have still been hungover when they wrote this newspaper article.
SouthsideCentral is always glad to help the Danville Register & Bee (and other media sources) out with stories that they wouldn’t have known about without us.
SouthsideCentral seems to be a “sneak preview” of some Register & Bee stories.
UPDATE: We’ve added the Gazette-Virginian’s “response” to the article.
Somebody finally calls out their lazy “reporting”…
This story had the potential to top my potato chip that looked like William Shatner.
UPDATE: The News & Record has given SouthsideCentral credit in the last paragraph of the online article. We thank them for their proper ethical decision.
It can be frustrating when somebody uses the results of your hard work and doesn’t give you credit for it.
Looking at you, Tom McLaughlin and the South Boston News […]
It’s going to cost you to read yesterday’s news at GoDanRiver. Again.
We took today off from the website for the Republican Party of Virginia’s convention in Roanoke, but the SouthsideCentral coverage continued on Twitter. Here’s how to always keep up with SouthsideCentral…
We”re glad to give the Register & Bee’s editorial board something to write about…
This is not to be confused with “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”, which is actually entertaining.
Our favorite left-leaning local columnist takes the week off and is promptly replaced by his own Mini-Me.
…same as the old mall. Except for 20% less stores, of course. Less Stores! More Space!
…on this Greensboro News & Record story where the “Comments have been disabled.” You’ll soon see why.
… it just might be. We’ll be watching this case closely as it develops. (We actually may be reading about it soon, since the Register & Bee reads SouthsideCentral)
Some media people just can’t take any criticism…
If you’re going to use a biased article written by a member of a group that has a track record for inflammatory language, you should at least disclose who wrote the article.
This is what happens when a newspaper has empty space to fill.
Over a year ago, I issued a challenge to the Gazette-Virginian columnists to quit reprinting forwarded emails. Needless to say, they didn’t change their ways and this past week, Paula Bryant (the editor) got busted for reprinting copyrighted material.
It’s a tragic situation, but this photo says it all.
Not much time to write a new article tonight, so let’s look at a trainwreck that’s in progress over at the Danville Register & Bee’s comment boards.
Well, the Gazette-Virginian is nicely asking you to do that…
Read this comment thread while you can, because it’s going to be erased and shut down soon.
Our friends at Star News (WGSR 47.1) are doing a great job with it
NOT! Oh come on, Beth. That Paul Stapleton quote was the best thing that’s happened for the Gazette-Virginian in years. People actually remembered that the GV can actually do some real reporting once in a while!
It happened last night and it was a total trainwreck but it was hilarious to watch. You’ll have your chance to see the “debate” on WGSR-47.1 tonight. 😀
(Originally Published on: Aug 3, 2009 @ 0:05)
Editor’s Note: Don’t forget, follow @sosidecentral on Twitter! You’ll get the inside scoop before anybody else… and more!
Only Conan fans will get that headline, but it’s a great new way to get information out fast!
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