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City of Danville retirees are back in front of the city council asking for cost-of-living adjustments and/or bonuses. But when you look at how much some of the retirees make on a guaranteed basis, your eyes may open quite widely. It’s time for a NumbersCentral…
… and you know SouthsideCentral was there. Let’s go over some thoughts about his speech and Q&A session.
… when you’re running over your father. Wait, what? Say, That’s Odd.
John Greenbacker, you old softie!
Today, the US Attorney’s Office unsealed an indictment… and the 39 page indictment is definitely some good reading.
I’m going to be blasted for this article, but somebody has to say it.
The cause of a closed local restaurant’s fire has been ruled as “undetermined”. Wow. Didn’t see that one coming.
This is a serious scandal and somebody’s going to get kicked in the balls, folks. The golf balls, that is.
We’re LIVE! from Spring St. and we have a bear in a tree. Photos and comments coming.
The Danville Harvest Jubilee has released their concert series for this summer. Wow. Didn’t see that one coming.
After looking at that scoreboard, I wonder if the Halifax County IDA is having second thoughts…
Honestly, I have no idea what the hell is going on with this story.
People love to know the salaries of City of Danville employees, so I decided to find out how much Economic Development Consultant Linwood Wright was being paid…
Ready to hop into the SouthsideCentral Time Machine? This journey will take us back to a home invasion, fire and a punching bag (!?) story that never smelled right from the first moment I heard about the “crime”.
Remain calm. All is well. Planning for only 7000 people has been handled. They got this. Yes, it’s ridiculous.
This is the first time that I’ve ever heard about a case like this getting to court in Danville, and it’s about time.
This is a strange mashup of two SouthsideCentral types of features. We’re going to hop in the Time Machine and go back to November 20, 2012. That’s the day that Danville City Council approved grant money to a losing trifecta of Job Busts. Get ready for a not so fun ride…
I love economic development spin. Actually, I love to expose economic development spin and mock the hell out of it.
It was about a year ago that there was a big announcement that promised 101 new jobs over the next three years. I bet you know where this is going…
…somebody you may be familiar with. Because it’s a personnel matter that has to be voted on by the entire Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday afternoon (April 22), I’ve been unable to get on-the-record sourcing. That being said, SouthsideCentral has been working on this story over the past few days and I’m 100% […]
The EPA hosted an open house at Danville’s Community Market on Monday afternoon with a lot of state and federal agencies talking about the coal ash spill and the cleanup efforts. SouthsideCentral was there talking and asking questions. Let’s take a look at some of the interesting things that I found out…
Today, we finally got some information from the Danville’s Economic Development office about the quite comatose GOK furniture company. I don’t believe a damned word of it.
This one flew under my radar but I have to thank the SouthsideCentral readers for suggesting this article. Is this what it is or is it a way to get the much needed money?
There’s a college rugby tournament happening in Danville this weekend. Ha! You didn’t know about it either, huh?
Let’s move right into the audience portion of Tuesday night’s American Legion Post 325 Danville City Council Candidates forum. Sorry for the long delay but these things take a while to write.
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