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Dumbass of the Day! (9/25/10)

SouthsideCentral’s still alive, folks! Let’s get back on the board with a DotD…


Happy Trails, Josh Lief!

The general manager of Virginia International Raceway is changing careers. (?)


VideoCentral: “Violence in the School System”

As promised, here’s the Star Talk show that I did on Wednesday, August 25th. A special guest told a disturbing story about her daughter getting attacked on a school bus in the first segment, and then the phone lines stayed busy for the rest of the hour. I hope you enjoy watching the show.


LIVE! at the Green IT Economic Summit

SouthsideCentral & WGSR-TV are LIVE! at Danville’s Institute for Advanced Learning & Research for today’s “Green IT Economic Summit”


Breaking News: Fatal accident in Henry County

Sunday morning turned deadly on the roads of Henry County.


Some thoughts about Tom Perriello’s town hall meetings

Tom Perriello has been around the SouthsideCentral area doing his town hall meetings over the past week. I’ve got some “random thoughts” about how it’s gone so far.


An open letter to my HalifaxTalk friends.

The HalifaxTalk people who don’t like me and the ones who obsessively stalk me can read this too. It’s also open to people who want to know about WMDV.


The Lynchburg Tea Party steps into a smelly pile of media-banning horsecrap.

Good news: Robert Hurt & Bob Goodlatte are speaking at Thursday’s Lynchburg Tea Party meeting

Bad news: You’re not going to hear what they have to say unless you’re a Lynchburg Tea Party member because they’ve banned the media from attending.


Danville’s not the only city with boa constrictor issues

You thought it was bad when you found out that a 5-foot boa constrictor loose in Danville? Bedford County’s got that story beat.

Eden man drowns in Mayo River

We’ve got a tragic story from Rockingham County (NC).


One of the lowest forms of human life…

…is someone who abuses an animal. I was so mad about this news story that I did an entire hour of TV on it tonight.


Officer, I killed my family. NOT!

Bizzaro World comes to Rockingham County, NC.


You think Halifax is slow already?

It’s only going to get worse.

Lynchburg flushes more money down the toilet

Have you ever wanted to build your own hotel and not have to pay for it? Move to Lynchburg!


Nobody loved MA!

This isn’t an article about a dysfunctional family. Today, I attended my first Regional Industrial Facility Authority meeting.


The “Danville General Hospital” is in danger of demolition

For a very brief moment, I was almost concerned.


When good public relations go bad

$12,000 isn’t that much for Danville Utilities in the overall budget, but they’ve got a bad sense of timing.


Danville City Council gets one right then…

…proceeds to get one wrong. Oh well.


The latest anti-uranium scare tactic

Every time I think the anti-uranium folks couldn’t go any lower, they dig deeper.


Golf clubs stolen at Halifax Country Club

They’ve certainly got the right man working this theft.


Mystery body found in Campbell County wreck

One utility worker’s discovery is the beginning of a mystery.


Breaking News: South Boston stabbing victim dies

Thanks to SouthsideCentral & Star News, you’re the first to know!


A very melancholy “Happy Trails” to Ruby Archie

Danville has lost a great leader and a great person.


BREAKING NEWS: Danville Police report one dead, one wounded in shooting.

We just got this from the Danville Police department…


Mr. Malvester teaches today’s history lesson.

Well, at least his own version of history.
