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Happy Trails, Lucky City!

Bad things usually happen when you piss off people in government.


Not so fast, Walter.

Some of the anti-uranium folks seem to think that I’m in favor of uranium mining. As I’ve said before, they’re quite wrong.


Here’s one way to destroy Danville’s good business climate…

The “Union at Swedwood” talk is starting again.


Felony charges? Shmelony charges!

How much jail time does a person get for “Felony Assault on a Police Officer” and “Felony Assault on a Police Dog”? Nothing!


Some thoughts about Tuesday’s congressional elections

So that happened. Now that my self-imposed gag order has expired since the elections are over, it’s time to say some random thoughts about what happened in Southside’s Congressional elections.


Guest OpinionCentral: Dave Cline

At SouthsideCentral, we welcome article submissions from our readers. In this OpinionCentral, Dave Cline weighs in on the 5th District election.

(Editor’s Note: This article is solely the viewpoint of the author and not necessarily the opinion of SouthsideCentral.)


5th District Happenings (Update #2)

It’s been a long time, hasn’t it? Let’s get this update started with a statement on why it’s hard to talk about political topics, then we’ll get to what’s been going on.


VideoCentral: “Violence in the School System”

As promised, here’s the Star Talk show that I did on Wednesday, August 25th. A special guest told a disturbing story about her daughter getting attacked on a school bus in the first segment, and then the phone lines stayed busy for the rest of the hour. I hope you enjoy watching the show.


Some thoughts about Tom Perriello’s town hall meetings

Tom Perriello has been around the SouthsideCentral area doing his town hall meetings over the past week. I’ve got some “random thoughts” about how it’s gone so far.


An open letter to my HalifaxTalk friends.

The HalifaxTalk people who don’t like me and the ones who obsessively stalk me can read this too. It’s also open to people who want to know about WMDV.


You think Halifax is slow already?

It’s only going to get worse.

Lynchburg flushes more money down the toilet

Have you ever wanted to build your own hotel and not have to pay for it? Move to Lynchburg!


Nobody loved MA!

This isn’t an article about a dysfunctional family. Today, I attended my first Regional Industrial Facility Authority meeting.


The “Danville General Hospital” is in danger of demolition

For a very brief moment, I was almost concerned.


When good public relations go bad

$12,000 isn’t that much for Danville Utilities in the overall budget, but they’ve got a bad sense of timing.


Danville City Council gets one right then…

…proceeds to get one wrong. Oh well.


The latest anti-uranium scare tactic

Every time I think the anti-uranium folks couldn’t go any lower, they dig deeper.


A very melancholy “Happy Trails” to Ruby Archie

Danville has lost a great leader and a great person.


Mr. Malvester teaches today’s history lesson.

Well, at least his own version of history.


Some thoughts about the Uranium Mining Subcommittee meeting

On Tuesday night, the Uranium Mining subcommittee of the Coal & Energy Commission held a meeting at Chatham High School where people could comment on the proposed socio-economic study. I was there for Star News to record the early part of the comments, and here’s a “random thoughts” article about what I observed.


5th District Happenings (Update #1)

Conventional wisdom says that the few weeks after a hard-fought primary should be downtime for the candidates as they rest up for a long general election run. That hasn’t happened in Virginia’s 5th District. Let’s kick off a series of updates on what’s going on…


5th District Republican Primary – Final Thoughts.

So that happened. It’s over, yet we’ve only just begun. Final (?) thoughts coming up…


A dose of 5th District thoughts for you.

I’m not a doctor, nor have I played one on TV. That being said, I’ve got a dose of straight talk and thoughts that’s probably going to make a lot of people mad. I don’t care. Dr. Bruce is about to write you a prescription of random thoughts.


5th District Republican Primary – Update #3

(Last update: 5th District Republican Primary – Update #2)

Seven days to go until this election is decided is decided in the voting booth. Let’s do a quick update on whats happened in the last two weeks.


Happy Birthday, SouthsideCentral!

SouthsideCentral is one year old today! Thanks to all of our readers and contributors for making SC a giant success in our first 12 months.
