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What do you get when you combine gameshows and breast implants?
Every so often we go outside the SouthsideCentral area for things that are interesting and we’ve found a messageboard thread that will creep you out while making you laugh hysterically.
It’s News. It’s a ThreadSpotting. It’s complete stupidity about the upcoming Halifax County Sheriff’s race. It’s all of those combined!
I said you wanna be startin’ somethin’, you got to be startin’ somethin’…
What if God was a gay recording artist one of us?
It’s not what you think, people. Or, maybe it is.
Some new blood flows into the HalifaxTalk message board and gets caught up in two trainwrecks within a month. Yep, he’s going to fit in just fine. Giant thanks go out to the three people who sent this in as a ThreadSpotting potential!
Who said HalifaxTalk was dead? There’s still some signs of trainwreck life over there.
It’s two, two features in one! We always thank our readers for the HalifaxTalk ThreadSpotting submissions, so let’s knock a few of them out quickly. You got your ThreadSpotting in my QuickHits!
The sheriff’s wife has had her purse stolen out of her car while it was parked at South Boston’s First Baptist Church. The South Boston Police Department & the Halifax County Sheriff’s Department are out in full force! We’ve got Breaking News & a ThreadSpotting all combined in one! Oh, this is going to be […]
So many submissions for ThreadSpotting, so little time. Actually, we’ve got the time… it’s just that we need to knock a bunch of mockable HalifaxTalk threads at one time to get them out of the way for the few people who like this feature. Let’s play ThreadSpotting QuickHits!
This leap of logic would have taken Evel Knievel completely across the Snake River Canyon.
We ♥ snark. We ♥ snarky comments, We ♥ zingers.
How could we pass up a trainwreck of a thread that features Jesus giving somebody the finger and Hitler? And that’s just the first page!
I hate to use a SouthsideCentral article on this but it’s the only way to get my response out. Anyway, Darrin’s got his side of the story out and here’s my response.
I figured out that Darrin Talbott was never going to un-ban me from HalifaxTalk when I got off the phone with him a few minutes ago.
No, not those boobs! I’m talking about the boobs that are talking in the thread.
Let’s hear it for lethal injection! Yay for the electric chair! Go ga-ga for the gas chamber!
Hey, it’s Halifax County’s own Pants-Off Dance-Off (without the Dance-Off)!
I may lose some sleep over this. Or I may not. Anyway, Darrin Talbott proves my point quite convincingly. Let’s have some fun with this one, shall we?
Although some people may not believe this, I have no problem admitting that I was wrong.
I was wrong.
Sometimes when a head asplodes, it’s for the forces of good.
Read this comment thread while you can, because it’s going to be erased and shut down soon.
“Hello. I’m nuts. Goodbye.” “Hello. I’m nuts. Goodbye.” Keep repeating until you think Tom Perriello cares.
I Know Why You Ran For School Board Last Summer!
TheOther “leaves”. NoBody cares.
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