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YouCentral: Joshua Jennings & the 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Resolution

Here at SouthsideCentral, we welcome our readers to submit their own opinions and speeches. We’re glad to publish them as a community service.

Today, we’re publishing the speech that Joshua Jennings made in front of Danville City Council during the public comment section of the December 3rd meeting. Jennings was talking about Danville City Council […]

Lee Vogler’s Nomination Speech for Alonzo Jones

On Friday, Lee Vogler nominated Alonzo Jones to be the new vice mayor of Danville. SouthsideCentral is glad to publish that nomination speech unedited for you to read.


Sherman Saunders’ “Farewell as Mayor” Speech

At Friday’s Danville City Council organizational meeting, John Gilstrap was elected as mayor. Sherman Saunders’ 8-year run as mayor came to an end, and he made a speech during the around the horn section. SouthsideCentral is glad to publish Saunders’ speech in its entirety so that you can read it.


Danny Marshall Sets The Record Straight

Yesterday, SouthsideCentral published an article blasting Carolyn Laviscount Tanner for her R&B letter to the editor. She said that she believed that Delegate Danny Marshall doesn’t like black people. That’s because he wouldn’t help her working towards getting restricted drivers’ licenses available to people on Virginia’s First Offender program.

Last night, Danny Marshall wrote his […]

YouCentral: Neal Morris on Danville Crime

SouthsideCentral is always glad to publish letters to the community from our readers. In today’s YouCentral, Neal Morris talks about the recent uptick in Danville crime.


Sheila Williamson-Branch’s Treasurer Announcement

Sheila Willamson-Branch has officially announced her candidacy for Danville City Treasurer. SouthsideCentral is glad to publish her statement unedited so that our readers can see it in its entirety.


Jim Lindley’s City Council Announcement

Jim Lindley has announced that he will run for Danville City Council in the upcoming May elections. SouthsideCentral is glad to publish his campaign’s statement unedited so that our readers can see it in its entirety.


Susan Davis’ Treasurer Announcement

Susan Davis has officially announced her candidacy for Danville City Treasurer. SouthsideCentral is glad to publish her statement unedited so that our readers can see it in its entirety.


YouCentral: Lauren Jones & Her Gold Award Project

SouthsideCentral loves to print letters from our readers. Today, Lauren Jones talks about her Gold Award project and the upcoming Southside Audible Egg Hunt.


Kate Berger’s Election Withdrawal Letter

Danville Treasurer candidate Kate Berger withdrew from the election today. SouthsideCentral is glad to print her campaign’s withdrawal letter in its entirety for our viewers to read.


Robin Dabney’s City Council Announcement

Robin Dabney has announced that she is running for Danville City Council in the upcoming May elections. SouthsideCentral is glad to publish her campaign’s statement unedited so that our readers can see it in its entirety.


Madison Whittle’s City Council Announcement

On Tuesday, Madison Whittle announced that he will run for Danville City Council in the upcoming May elections. SouthsideCentral is glad to publish his campaign’s statement unedited so that our readers can see it in its entirety.


Trina McLaughlin’s City Council Announcement

Today, Trina McLaughlin announced that she will run for Danville City Council in the upcoming May elections. SouthsideCentral is glad to publish her statement unedited so that our readers can see it in its entirety.


Fred Shanks’ City Council Announcement

On Friday, Fred Shanks announced that he will run for Danville City Council in the upcoming May elections. SouthsideCentral is glad to publish his campaign’s statement unedited so that our readers can see it in its entirety.


Philip Haley’s City Council Announcement

Today, Philip Haley announced that he will run for Danville City Council in the upcoming May elections. SouthsideCentral is glad to publish his campaign’s statement unedited so that our readers can see it in its entirety.


Sheila Baynes’ City Council Announcement

Today, Sheila Baynes announced that she will run for Danville City Council in the upcoming May elections. SouthsideCentral is glad to publish her statement unedited so that our readers can see it in its entirety.


Buddy Rawley’s “Sign-Off” Letter

Today, Danville City Councilman Buddy Rawley issued a press release saying that he would not be running for another term in the May elections. SouthsideCentral is glad to publish his remarks in full so that our readers can read them unedited.


Jeff Hubbard’s School Board Candidacy Announcement

SouthsideCentral is glad to publish Danville School Board candidates’ election/reelection announcement speech in their entirety as a public service.

Today, Jeff Hubbard announced his candidacy for reelection. Here is his statement.


YouCentral: Leonard Harville’s Reply

Here at SouthsideCentral, we strongly encourage replies and feedback to our articles. We’re glad to publish any replies that are directed to us. In this YouCentral article, Leonard Harville replied to about our latest LeonardWatch article about him disclosing a potential child abuse situation before the police arrived on scene.


Lee Vogler’s Reelection Announcement

SouthsideCentral is glad to publish Danville City Council candidates’ election/reelection announcement speech in their entirety as a public service.

Today, Lee Vogler announced his candidacy for reelection. Here is his statement.


Today’s Statement from Jeremy Stratton

Jeremy Stratton, Danville’s former economic developer, sent this email to SouthsideCentral today and I feel it’s something that you need to read.

SouthsideCentral has wiped the original article regarding Jeremy Stratton due to sourcing that has been retracted.


YouCentral: Gary Miller talks about pollution spills.

Here at SouthsideCentral, we invite all people and organizations to send us opinion pieces and statements. We will publish them unedited on a space-available basis. YouCentral articles are solely the opinion of the writer or organization. They do not necessarily represent the views of SouthsideCentral nor of our advertisers. We also encourage comments on these […]

YouCentral: Buddy Rawley’s Confederate Flag Speech

SouthsideCentral is pleased to publish opinion pieces from all elected officials as well as from our readers. Use the “Contact Us!” link at the top of every SouthsideCentral page to send your submissions in.

In this YouCentral article, we’re publishing Buddy Rawley’s speech from Danville City Council’s Thursday night meeting.


YouCentral: Lee Vogler’s Confederate Flag Speech

As in the previous YouCentral article, SouthsideCentral is pleased to print all types of commentary. Here, we publish Lee Vogler’s speech from Danville City Council’s Thursday night meeting.


YouCentral: Virginia Organizing’s Flag Removal Statement

Here at SouthsideCentral, we invite all people and organizations to send us opinion pieces and statements. We will publish them unedited on a space-available basis. YouCentral articles are solely the opinion of the writer or organization. They do not necessarily represent the views of SouthsideCentral nor of our advertisers. We also encourage comments on these […]